DX APM Alert UI Enhancement - resolutions discrepancies and mark the default value with an asterisk in the resolution dropdown list
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DX APM Alert UI Enhancement - resolutions discrepancies and mark the default value with an asterisk in the resolution dropdown list


Article ID: 369672


Updated On: 06-11-2024


DX APM SaaS DX Application Performance Management


Suggestion 1. in the Alert UI, the right hand graph panel allows user to choose resolution but the set of choices is limited any only a subset is presented.

   Example: below screenshot shows an alert defined with resolution of '1 hour' yet the graph resolution choices do not include '1 hour' (or many of the other possible alert resolutions)

Suggestion 2:in the Alert UI, the graph resolution choice also includes a 'default' setting - but this seems to remain at 15 seconds, where it would be more useful if it the set the graph resolution to the alert resolution as as alert resolution was changed the effect was immediately obvious in the graph panel.   

   Example: below screenshot shows the graph dots, the 'default' resolution is 15-seconds. Given that 15-seconds is a graph resolution which can be chosen, having default make same choice adds nothing.



DX APM on-premise 2x


Enhancement request # US967720 has been created to improve the APM Alert UI in a next release. For an update contact Broadcom Support

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