SCRT report failing IBM validation due to missing required information
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SCRT report failing IBM validation due to missing required information


Article ID: 369662


Updated On:




Initial submission shows an unexplained failure when attempting to submit the report 


Common Services r15.0 
SCRT Component


Most often the missing data is related to missing CPC or LPAR data (H4 and H6 sections of the SCRT report), which is detected upon generation of the SCRT report and recorded as (Required) in the SCRT sections of the report.
The customer did update the SCRT report with their justification but it looks like they may have saved it in Excel which modified the SCRT report which caused it to fail IBM validation. 


  To correct the problem, follow these steps:
1.  The customer will need to delete the original scrt report that they submitted on the website by clicking on the trash can icon
2.  Using the original ISV SCRT report, change the (required) field with a justification using Note pad.  They cannot make the change in Excel as it will not pass IBM validation as it will detect it as a modified file.
3.  Once they have made the change in Note pad, the customer can resubmit the report to the SCRT website.

Additional Information

Prior to the actual failure, IBM will also send a WARNING email.  This explains the reasons for a possible failure along with the steps to resolve the problem(s).