CPU MCS Profile for QOS_CPU_MULTI_USAGE does not generate QOS for some device
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CPU MCS Profile for QOS_CPU_MULTI_USAGE does not generate QOS for some device


Article ID: 369650


Updated On: 06-11-2024


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


While using the CPU (Enhanced) MCS Profile it does NOT generate QOS metrics for some devices. 

The "Individual CPU Usage" is enabled and should generate the QOS_CPU_MULTI_USAGE metric. 

All other metrics are collected fine, even For example "Individual CPU Idle" works fine but "Individual CPU Usage" (QOS_CPU_MULTI_USAGE) is not. 


We are running cdm_mcs_templates 7.20.1 which contains a previous fix, specific for this metric as highlighted as shown in the KB below:

CDM MCS CPU Individual Usage mistakely enables all targets [qos_target = ~.*] (broadcom.com)



  • DX UIM 20.4.* / 23.4
  • Cdm 7.20 / cdm_mcs_templates 7.20.1 



The devices that are resolved with FQDN might be affected by this issue. The plugin metric filter expression present in the plugin_metric.cfg in each robot, which has the ability to filter out what metrics are sent out by the spooler, is not able to match some device name if the domain is added after the shortname. 


For fixing this issue the following action can be taken: 


1. On robot.cfg set: set_qos_source = yes or set "Set QOS Source to robot name instead of computer hostname" 

Controller GUI > Setup > Set Qos Soure to robot name instead of computer hostname


2. Additionally in the cdm.cfg set: allow_qos_source_as_target = yes

or change this in the Setup GUI:


After applying these 2 steps the CPU metric missing is issued for all devices. 


Additional Information

If the issue is affecting a high number of robots the following can be pushed from a MCS profile to a large number of target devices. The below configuration has also shown to fix the plugin_metric matching issue: