How to change the session timer to prevent auto-logout in NetOps Portal
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How to change the session timer to prevent auto-logout in NetOps Portal


Article ID: 36963


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


How to change the session timer which causes NetOps Portal users to be automatically logged off because of idle time.

While working with Dashboards, a user can just be logged off in the middle of whatever they are doing.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


Adjust the values of Sso 'CookieTimeoutMinutes' and Sso 'RememberMeTimeoutDays' which are settable via SsoConfig under Single Sign-On:

For the purpose of this example, we will be changing the values of CookieTimeoutMinutes (default 20 (minutes) )to 120 minutes  and RememberMeTimeoutDays (default 15 (days) to 30 days:

  1. Logon to the PC system as root or sudo
  2. Go to the following directory (default path shown)
    1. cd /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/sso/bin
  3. Launch the SsoConfig utility with the command:
    1. ./SsoConfig
  4. Choose an option 1
  5. Choose an option 4 for SSO
  6. Choose an option 1 for Remote Value
  7. Select Property 6 for Cookie Timeout Minutes
    1. Enter U to update it.
    2. Enter new value 120
  8. Use \b to go back.
  9. Select Property 11 in Remote Value for Remember Me Timeout Days
    1. Enter U to update it.
    2. Enter new value 30
  10. Enter "\b" to gracefully back out of SsoConfig to save the changes.
  11. Review / validate the changes made by running SsoConfig again.
    1. Enter 1.
    2. Enter 4 for SSO. Confirm the expected values are listed.