UUJMA processes cau9clie.exe and cau9ctk.exe are missing
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UUJMA processes cau9clie.exe and cau9ctk.exe are missing


Article ID: 36962


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Unicenter Job Management Option


After a reboot of the Unix server, jobs are no longer starting on the Universal Agent with messages telling the station is unavailable

The "unifstat" output shows that 2 components are missing (in bold)

Component Name Pid Status

------------------------------------ ------- --------------

CA-Job Management Syscon Server 741 running

CA-Job Management 2.0 Job Server - not active

CA-Job Management 2.0 Event Mgr. - not active

CA-Job Management Event Logger 730 running


Unicenter 3.1 NSM (0703) on HP Unix

But it might happen on any Unix/Linux server with either UUJMA 3.1 or 11.2


When the  agent starts, it stores its process ids in files in directory $CAIGLBL0000/tmp.  After the reboot, these file descriptors got corrupted.


  1.  Stop the agent with "unishutdown all "
  2.  Delete all the files from the "$CAIGLBL0000/tmp " directory
  3.  Delete all the files from $CAIGLBL0000/tmp/$HOST directory
  4.  Start the agent with 'unistart all' 

The Agent will be able to store its PIDs and message queue in the following files:

  • cau9en2.pid
  • cau9ctk.pid
  • cau9cli.pid
  • wmrsd.pid
  • cau9en2_1.msg