Creating a new network profile fails with the error "Unable to create Network Profile"
This can be seen by navigating within the HCX Connector to Interconnect --> Network Profiles
After submitting a network profile to be created via Create Network Profile if experiencing this issue the "Unable to create Network Profile" error will appear
The following error can be observed within
2024-08-26 13:13:09.250 UTC [https-jsse-nio-, Ent: HybridityAdmin, TxId: ######-####-####-####-############] ERROR c.v.h.n.resource.manager.PoolManager- Invalid DNS server1 IP ###.###.###.###
This error can occur if there is a space at the beginning or end of the IPv4 address provided for the Primary/Secondary DNS
Ensure that there is no space at the beginning or end of the IPV4 address provided for the Primary/Secondary DNS and then recreate the Network Profile