Resolving Aria Automation Upgrade Failure Due to Corrupt RPM Files in Aria Suite Lifecycle
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Resolving Aria Automation Upgrade Failure Due to Corrupt RPM Files in Aria Suite Lifecycle


Article ID: 369497


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite



When attempting to upgrade Aria Automation within Aria Suite Lifecycle, the process fails, accompanied by error code LCMVRAVACONFIG90030. The following messages are observed in the vami.log file located at /opt/vmware/var/log/vami/ (on Clustered environment) or /opt/vmware/var/log/vami (on one node environment) :

11/03/2024 23:49:03 [INFO] Downloading file. URL: https://<AriaSuiteLifecycleFQDN>/repo/productBinariesRepo/vra/8.16.1/upgrade/update/package-pool/gettext-0.21-3.ph4.x86_64.rpm
11/03/2024 23:49:03 [ERROR] Invalid file size. url=/package-pool/gettext-0.21-3.ph4.x86_64.rpm, downloadsize=0, filesize=2913433
11/03/2024 23:49:03 [ERROR] Setting job error information. jobid=8, errorCode=9, errorString=Error during package download.  Please try again.
11/03/2024 23:49:03 [ERROR] Job <8> failed. Error code:9Error message: Error during package download.  Please try again

Note: The download size of the package gettext-0.21-3.ph4.x86_64.rpm is observed as 0 in the error message. The package name may vary in different environments.

Note down the URL highlighted on the logs. If the download size is non zero follow the KB

SSH using root into one of the Aria Automation nodes. Running the below command will fetch a zero kb rpm file from Aria Suite Lifecycle to the current directory. 
wget --no-check-certificate <URL>

Note: Replace the URL with the one noted on the logs.

Example: wget  --no-check-certificate https://vrslcm.vmwarelab.local/repo/productBinariesRepo/vra/8.16.1/upgrade/update/package-pool/gettext-0.21-3.ph4.x86_64.rpm


VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.x, VMware Aria Automation 8.x


Corrupt rpm file in Aria Suite Lifecycle.


Delete the existing upgrade binary mapping of Aria Automation from Aria Suite Lifecycle. Re-download the upgrade binary mapping once again and retry the upgrade.