Local Manager is restored while config import is in progress on Global Manager alarm
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Local Manager is restored while config import is in progress on Global Manager alarm


Article ID: 369442


Updated On: 06-07-2024


VMware NSX


Title: Alarm for Local Manager is restored while config import is in progress on Global Manager
Event ID: federation.lm_restore_while_config_import_in_progress
Alarm Description:

  • Purpose: Local Manager is restored while config import is in progress on Global Manager.
  • Impact: Config onboarding will fail at Global Manager.


VMware NSX-T Data Center


Steps to resolve
For 3.2.0 and above

Recommended Action:

  1. Log in to NSX Global Manager appliance CLI.
  2. If not already logged in as the root user, switch to root (st en).
  3. Use curl to invoke the NSX API DELETE http://localhost:64440/gm/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-name>/onboarding/status in local mode, this will delete site on-boarding status for Global Manager.
  4. Re-initiate config on-boarding again.

Maintenance window required for remediation? No

Additional Information

If you contact support for this issue, please include the following data:

  • NSX Manager Logs from all 3 Manager nodes in both the LM and GM NSX clusters.
  • ESXi host logs where Manager nodes are deployed in each environment.
  • vCenter server logs from the respective vSphere environments where the NSX managers are deployed.