What does JIAM call the Provisioning Global User attributes eTCompany, eTDepartment, and eTOffice
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What does JIAM call the Provisioning Global User attributes eTCompany, eTDepartment, and eTOffice


Article ID: 369432


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CA Identity Manager


What does JIAM call the Provisioning Global User attributes eTCompany, eTDepartment, and eTOffice


Identity Manager 14.4 CP2 CHF1


What does JIAM call the Provisioning Global User attributes eTCompany, eTDepartment, and eTOffice. A java decompiler such as JD-GUI to view inside the jiam.jar file and within the file com.ca.iam.model.impl.core_jndimap.xml can see the following which  believe would be the mapping from the Provisioning Global User schema to the JIAM naming for that attribute:

            <property searchable="true">
            <property searchable="true">
            <property searchable="true">

Note the JIAM SDK has been deprecated but if look inside of the "Symantec Identity Manager r14.4 Legacy components" (GEN0000000004401.zip) package will find \SDK\JIAMSDK and if  install that component can then find \CA\Identity Manager\JIAM SDK\doc\api which might would be the deprecated Java Doc for JIAM SDK.

Note however that the jiam.jar shipped with IM application is different than the jiam.jar shipped with the JIAM SDK and so the Java Doc could be out of sync and code written may not behave the same with the two different jiam.jar files so do not introduce the jiam.jar from the SDK into the IM application. Again JIAM SDK is deprecated for public usage and is only intended to be used by IM application.

We would think it is better to feed changes into the IM layer and let IM do the outbound sync to the Provisioning layer instead.