A third party application is receiving a large number of ICAP 500 server errors from SPE
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A third party application is receiving a large number of ICAP 500 server errors from SPE


Article ID: 369431


Updated On: 06-11-2024


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


A third party application submitting scan request to a Protection Engine server occasionally logs hundreds of errors similar to the following:

2024-05-22T00:06:00,852 [EventQueueWorker2-ThreadPool-261] ERROR com.example.server.icap.common.ICAPUtils - Unexpected code returned from ICAP: 500 Server Error

There are no errors in the SPE logs, but there may be a large number of "Encrypted container" warnings-- all referencing the same file:   /path/filename.zip.filepart 


Protection Engine with ICAP enabled


A large zip file was in the process of being downloaded and, with every change to the downloading file being written to disk, that change was submitted to SPE to be scanned even though the file was still incomplete.


The application should be modified to not submit incomplete/transitory files to be scanned until they are a fully formed file.