During SDDC Manager upgrade prechecks It fails with two errors for the ESXI precheck:
2024-04-04T09:56:05.989+0000 DEBUG [vcf_om,7bc8743d140d8,1b3c] [c.v.v.b.p.updaters.PropertyUpdater,pool-2-thread-4] Executing updater method vsanPhysicalDiskComponentHealth of updater VsanPhysicalDiskHealthUpdater, updaterInfo is {"entityType":"cluster","entityName":"Cluster01","propertyName":"vsanPhysicalDiskComponentHealth","isMandatory":true}
2024-04-04T09:56:05.990+0000 ERROR [vcf_om,7bc8743d160d8,1b3c] [c.v.v.b.p.updaters.PropertyUpdater,pool-2-thread-4] Failed to execute updater method vsanPhysicalDiskComponentHealth on entity CLuster01 of type cluster from vcenter.vmware.com due to an exception {}
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to find group test with id com.vmware.vsan.health.test.componentmetadata in group with id com.vmware.vsan.health.test.physicaldisks
"id": "physical-disk-component-health",
"constraintExpression": "vsanPhysicalDiskComponentHealth=='green' or vsanPhysicalDiskComponentHealth=='info'",
"description": "Checks whether vSAN has encountered an integrity issue of the metadata of a component on a disk for this cluster",
"name": "vSAN disk component",
"validationCode": "ClusterPerspectiveResourceConstraintsMessages.PHYSICAL_DISK_COMPONENT_HEALTH",
"validationSucceededMessage": "All vSAN components are healthy",
"validationFailedMessage": "vSAN has encountered an integrity issue of the metadata of a component on a disk for this cluster",
"remediationMessage": "This could be due to faulty drives, faulty controller or a misbehaving device driver, but could also originate from a problem in the vSAN software. The best course of action is to engage VMware Support",
"severity": "WARNING"
A Similar exception for disk group mode:
2024-04-04T09:56:06.029+0000 ERROR [vcf_om,7bc874d40d8,1b3c] [c.v.v.b.p.updaters.PropertyUpdater,pool-2-thread-4] Failed to execute updater method vsanControllerDiskGroupModeVmwareCertifiedStatus on entity CLuster01 of type cluster from vcenter.vmware.com due to an exception {}
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to find group test with id com.vmware.vsan.health.test.controllerdiskmode in group with id com.vmware.vsan.health.test.hcl
VCF 5.x