Missing Capacity Data in Aria Operations On-Prem / Aria Operations SaaS
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Missing Capacity Data in Aria Operations On-Prem / Aria Operations SaaS


Article ID: 369417


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • This article describes a scenario where Capacity data for Cluster Compute Resources became unavailable in Aria Operations SaaS / Operations On-Prem


  • Aria Operations (SaaS)
  • Aria Operations 8.x


  • An incorrect custom alert definition with duplicate symptom sets prevented the Resource cache from loading
  • This, in turn, hindered data collection for the Capacity engine and Super Metrics for specific resources


  • Access the Custom Alert Definitions: Navigate to the section where custom alerts are configured within Aria Ops SaaS / Operations On-Prem (Configure > Alerts > Alert Definitions)
  • Identify Relevant Alert Definition: Locate the customized alert definition associated with Cluster Compute Resources (E.g., "Company_name - Cluster CPU Capacity Remaining is low")
  • Review Symptom Sets: Verify if the same symptom set is used multiple times within the alert definition (An E.g. screenshot of Duplicate Symptom Sets is geiven below)
  • Remove Duplicate Symptom Sets: If duplicates are found, delete the unnecessary ones
  • Wait for Data Refresh: Allow some time (30 minutes) for the Resource cache to reload and data collection to resume

Additional Information

  • Incorrect custom alert definitions can impact data collection for various resources within Aria Ops SaaS / Aria Operations On-Prem
  • Ensure proper management and avoidance of duplicate symptom sets in custom alert definitions
  • This specific issue might not be exclusive to the mentioned Aria Ops SaaS / Aria Operations On-Prem version and could potentially occur in other versions as well