Useful commands to troubleshoot the SM Monitor process on Linux
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Useful commands to troubleshoot the SM Monitor process on Linux


Article ID: 369360


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The SM Monitor should start along with the Policy Server process when using the start-all or start-ps scripts. If it does not, there are other ways to start it and troubleshoot the problem.


Applicable to 12.8.x

Applicable to Linux OS


If available, you could try starting the Monitor via the SMConsole

Helpful commands for troubleshooting the problem

- Check if the smmon process is running

# ps -ef | grep smmon

root      2795  2794  0 Apr03 ?        00:43:47 /path/CA/jdk1.8.0_251/jre/bin/java -Xrs -Xmx64m -classpath /path/CA/siteminder/lib/smconapi.jar:/path/CA/siteminder/lib/smmon.jar com.netegrity.smmonagent.SmMonAgentRun


- Check the status of the smmon

Go to the main siteminder install path

# smmon - status

SiteMinder Health Monitor is running


- Stop/Start the smmon process manually

Go to the main siteminder install path

# smmon -stop
SiteMinder Health Monitor is stopping..
SiteMinder Health Monitor is no longer running

# smmon -start
SiteMinder Health Monitor Started


Most problems tend to be permissions related. Make sure the user starting/stopping the process has the right permissions. If not you will see this error:

# smmon -stop
/path/CA/siteminder/smmon[31]: /path/CA/siteminder/config/.siteminder.conf: cannot create [Permission denied]
pkill: killing pid 2794 failed: Operation not permitted
SiteMinder Health Monitor is stopping.
SiteMinder Health Monitor is no longer running