VNA Collector failed to integrate with Spectrum after upgrading RHEL 7 to RHEL 8 with IP & Hostname swaps.
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VNA Collector failed to integrate with Spectrum after upgrading RHEL 7 to RHEL 8 with IP & Hostname swaps.


Article ID: 369327


Updated On:


DX NetOps


Upgraded  Linux from RHE7 to RHEL 8 and then swapped the IP and Hostname. After enabling HTTPS on the server and attempting to integrate with Spectrum, the collector would not integrate and there were no outstanding errors in the OneClick Tomcat log other than Spectrum just indefinitely waiting for the VNA response. 


Created the cert on the new server with FQDN where SAN is needed to include  Hostname, FQDN, IP, and the servers NATed IP. 


You can manually recreate the SSL certificate including all the SAN names.

On the VNA system

  • Stop Wildfly: systemctl stop wildfly
  • Rename the current keystore.jks file (we will generate a new one)

       mv /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/standalone/configuration/keystore.jks  /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/standalone/configuration/keystore.jks.old

    Note: If your VNA install is in a different path please adjust the path

  • Locate java on your system, check which the system is pointing to

     sudo update-alternatives --config 'java'

  • Generate a new SSL certificate

    cd  <enter path to java bin folder>
    ./keytool -genkey -alias cavna -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 730 -ext san=dns:xxxxxx,dns:xxxxxxx,ip:xxxxx,ip:xxxxxxx -keystore /opt/CA/VNA/wildfly/standalone/configuration/keystore.jks -storepass changeit

    Note: You will be asked a series of questions, last/first name should be the FQDN name
    Note: Please check the server names and IPs, I tried to type them from the screenshot provided.
                check that they are correct.

  • Start Wildfly: systemctl start wildfly