I am installing CA DADS Plus for CICS r 4.0 into my CTS 5.2 region. Where can I find the CA DADS Plus for CICS r 4.0 RDO entries for CTS 5.2?
Fix RO70937 provides CTS 5.2 compatibility for CA DADS Plus r 4.0.
The CA DADS Plus for CICS r 4.0 RDO entries have not changed for the last couple of releases of CICS. The CTS 5.2 fix description(RO70937) instructs the installer to use the CA DADS RDO entries shipped with the CA DADS CTS 5.1 fix RO53206.
The CTS 5.1 fix RO53206 is a PREREQ of the CTS 5.2 fix RO70937.
Below is the PREREQ requirements listed on the CTS 5.2 fix RO70937 and the comments on which RDO and PLT entries to use for CTS 5.2.
++APAR (RO70937)
PRE (ZOS4002,RO10396,RO53206)
CSD and PLT SAMPLIB members are unchanged from the prior release. Members RDO68, MROAOR68, MROTOR68 and PLT68 should be used as supplied with the CTS 5.1 PREREQ fix RO53206.