Could not rollback with auto-commit set on
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Could not rollback with auto-commit set on


Article ID: 369307


Updated On: 06-27-2024


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Could not rollback with auto-commit set on: Classic PPM Gantt is creating a circular Task Dependency even though an error is thrown


1. Create a project.
2. Create 3 tasks: TaskA, TaskB and TaskC
3. Open the project in Classic PPM Gantt
4. On the Gantt bars side create a dependency from TaskC to TaskA by creating a line between them (you can draw the line between the tasks in the Gantt bar area)
5. Select the checkbox on both TaskA and TaskB and click on the Link icon of the PPM Gantt toolbar to create a dependency between both tasks
6. Select the checkbox TaskB and TaskC and click on the Link icon of the PPM Gantt toolbar to create a dependency between both tasks
7. An error is thrown: Could not rollback with auto-commit set on

app-ca.log shows the following:

ERROR 2024-05-28 02:15:55,183 [http-nio-1621-exec-680] service.WBSService (clarity:admin:5570140__1BDC0607-1670-4AB2-8E45-BD9662A26392:odata.LinkTask) (2ff41089-a561-4a5f-8cfb-a1c25356b708) PRJ-07600: Cannot create the dependency as it would result in a circular reference.

8. If you look at the Gantt no line of dependency has been created. Refresh the Gantt and you will see the circular dependency has been created

9. Go to Clarity MUX > Project tasks and look at the task dependencies on each one of the tasks 
   TaskA contains two dependencies: TaskB and TaskC
   TaskB contains one dependency: TaskA
   TaskC contains one dependency TaskA
10. Look at the project in Classic PPM
   TaskA contains two dependencies: TaskB and TaskC
   TaskB contains one dependency: TaskA and TaskC
   TaskC contains one dependency TaskA and TaskB

Expected Results: The circular dependency is not be created 
Actual results: The circular dependency is created even though the error was thrown


Clarity 16.2.1, 16.2.2


This is caused by DE80906


This is targeted to be fixed in 16.2.3