What happens with user session override records if you change the user profile?
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What happens with user session override records if you change the user profile?


Article ID: 36929


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



When user level session values are saved, a UENT record is written to the ADMIN2 file with the user level override values.


What happens with user session override records if you change the profile assigned to a user?


When the session only exists in one profile assigned to the user at the time of the deletion:

  • If you delete a profile from the static user's assigned profile list, then any user level session records are deleted at that time. 

When the session exists in more than one profile assigned to the user at the time of the deletion:

  • If you have a user level session override with the session in one profile (PROFILEA with session TSOA) then you add another profile to that user that has the same session defined (PROFILEB with sessions TSOA and TSOB), if you delete the first profile (PROFILEA) the user session record with the original overrides (for session TSOA) is still kept.


Release: NVINAM00200-5.3-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package