Machine state is not transitioning to Running from Provisioning when updating a TKC Cluster
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Machine state is not transitioning to Running from Provisioning when updating a TKC Cluster


Article ID: 369279


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VMware vSphere with Tanzu vSphere with Tanzu


New machines will not be transitioned from Provisioning to Running state, as NodeName(status.nodeRef) will not be set on the machine.
The node for the machine will not have spec.providerID set on it.

This symptom can occur during scale-out operations for a cluster and upgrade of the Kubernetes version will be blocked. 



vSphere with Tanzu 7.0

vSphere with Tanzu 8.0

Tkr Versions < 1.29



The supervisor access token mounted into the guest cluster cloud provider is expired, and the cloud provider is not able to update it if TKR version is lower than 1.29.



  • Delete the existing guest-cluster-cloud-provider pod, which will bring up a new pod with a new token. 
  • Once the cluster is back to normal, it may be necessary to delete idle node objects. If any extraneous nodes in NotReady status found, delete them using "kubect delete node <node-name>"



Additional Information

The guest-cluster-cloud-provider pod log inside the guest cluster can be checked. It will have the errors of : "Error trying to find VM: Unauthorized"

There will be other log entries for unauthorized errors.