Infoblox deployments fail and Infoblox integration validation fails when using Aria Automation plugin 1.5.1 with error:
"Failed to validate endpoint credentials
.", despite valid credentials being used.
Aria Automation 8.x
Upon reviewing the Extensibility actions run for the validation tasks (Extensibility > Action Runs > All Runs / Integration Runs) The actions shows credential validations progresses and attempts to pull details from Infoblox, but fails to do so as user posses no permissions
The above is due to the way the Infoblox integration validation code handled the response received from the infoblox_client.
The Latest build of the Aria Automation Infoblox Plugin 1.5.1 has been modified to fix this issue and its advised to Redownload the Infoblox Plugin 1.5.1 to avail the latest build release of the plugin.
Even after verifying the plugin, you may encounter persistent error of "Failed to validate endpoint credentials".
To resolve these errors, ensure that the allowed interfaces GUI and API are enabled in Admin group of Infoblox.