How to create a monthly report of failed MCDS recalls
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How to create a monthly report of failed MCDS recalls


Article ID: 36925


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


How can I create a report showing (per month) how many recalls were not done for HSM MCDS, and see the evolution. 






Create a sample for a DFHSM MCDS summary to get monthly counts of recalls not done for the last 6 months.

Here are the settings of this summary to perform:

In the Summary Object designer, do the following:

Name:         MCDS recall per month

Description: MCDS recall per month

Source Object should be: DFSMShsm MCDS Records

Set Filter: "Recalled" =   N

Select RT for Real Time or DC for Disk Checkpoint or LOG for using LOG Data

Then select the Filter Method and enter the following filters for a 6 month report:

Filter Description  Filter Statement
From TODAY to 30 days "Migrate Dt" <   TODAY AND  "Migrate Dt" >=  TODAY-30
From 30 to 60 days "Migrate Dt" <=   TODAY-30 AND  "Migrate Dt" >=  TODAY-60
From 60 to 90 days "Migrate Dt" <=   TODAY-60 AND  "Migrate Dt" >=  TODAY-90
From 90 to 120 days "Migrate Dt" <=   TODAY-90 AND  "Migrate Dt" >=  TODAY-120
From 120 to 150 days "Migrate Dt" <=   TODAY-120 AND  "Migrate Dt" >=  TODAY-150
From 150 to 180 days "Migrate Dt" <=   TODAY-150 AND  "Migrate Dt" >=  TODAY-180

Then Select the COUNT option, but don't select any fields.

Then select OK to create the summary.