Reporting on Disk Space and Desktop Monitors
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Reporting on Disk Space and Desktop Monitors


Article ID: 369240


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IT Management Suite Inventory Solution


You are looking for information regarding the following:

1.) a report that has all the desktop monitors in the environment (Brand, Model, Serial number, etc)

2.) a filter that pools in computers with C drives less than 10GB of free space or C drives with less than 15% or less disk space available (whichever is easier)


ITMS 8.x


Most of the information needed for the report on Desktop Monitors or C drive used space is available in the SMP Console from what we had inventoried with Hardware Inventory.

We have some reports already available with such information.

About  computers with C drives less than 10GB of free space or C drives with less than 15% or less disk space available, we actually have 2 default reports that you can use that you should be able to adjust to your desired parameters.

Go to SMP Console > Reports>All Reports>Discovery and Inventory>Inventory>Cross-platform>Hardware>Physical Drive.
There, you have these reports:

Available space by Logical Disk


Disk Space by Computer

You could also use the following query in order to create a custom filter (attached as well):

i.[Name] [Name],
l1.[File System] [Format],
cop.[Name] [Operating System],
d.[OS Version] [Version],
d.[OS Revision] [Service Pack],
l1.[Size (Bytes)]/(1024 * 1024) [Disk Size(MB)],
l1.[Free Space (Bytes)]/(1024 * 1024) [Disk Free(MB)],
SUBSTRING(o1.[Windows Directory],1,2) [Installed On]
FROM dbo.vComputer i
JOIN dbo.ScopeMembership sm
ON sm.[ResourceGuid] = i.Guid
JOIN dbo.vHWLogicalDisk l1
ON i.Guid = l1.[_ResourceGuid]
JOIN dbo.vOSOperatingSystemWindows o1
ON  o1.[_ResourceGuid] = i.Guid
JOIN dbo.vOSOperatingSystem cop
ON cop.[_ResourceGuid] = i.[Guid]
JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification d
ON i.Guid = d.[_ResourceGuid]
JOIN dbo.CollectionMembership cm
ON d.[_ResourceGuid] = cm.ResourceGuid
JOIN dbo.vCollection it
ON it.Guid = cm.CollectionGuid
WHERE l1.[Device ID] = SUBSTRING(o1.[Windows Directory],1,2)
--l1.[Size (Bytes)]/(1024 * 1024)) < '10000' --%Minimum Disk Size (MB) Required% ex. 10000Mb = 10GB
(l1.[Free Space (Bytes)]/(1024 * 1024)) >= '10000' --%Minimum Free Disk Space (MB) Required% ex. 10000Mb = 10GB
AND d.[System Type] LIKE 'Win%'


About a report that has all the desktop monitors in the environment (Brand, Model, Serial number, etc), we don't have one by default but you can create a simple report using one of our tables (Inv_HW_Desktop_Monitor) that should be populated from your hardware inventory. See attached "All Desktop Monitors Report.xml" as an example of such report.
Here is the query used in the mentioned report as a reference to you:

SELECT [_id]
      ,[Screen Height]
      ,[Screen Width]
      ,[Monitor Type]
      ,[Device ID]
      ,[Video Input Mode]
      ,[Serial Number]
      ,[Manufacturing Date]
      ,[Feature Support]
  FROM [dbo].[Inv_HW_Desktop_Monitor]
  JOIN vcomputer vc on vc.guid = _resourceguid]



All Desktop Monitors Report.xml get_app
Computers with harddrive 10Gb or less Filter.xml get_app