Deploy linux robot with nimldr using LDAP User
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Deploy linux robot with nimldr using LDAP User


Article ID: 369210


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Is it possible to deploy a linux robot using nimldr and connect to a Nimsoft hub to download the installer by using a LDAP User? 


DX UIM 20.4.* / 23.4.*




It is possible to install a Linux robot via nimldr by downloading the installer from a DX UIM Hub as long as the hub where you are connecting to is LDAP Enabled. When running through the nimldr script questions, set the hub where the archive is. If it's the primary hub and LDAP is enabled, the script will accept the user. 

If you select a secondary hub that hub itself needs to be either connected to a LDAP server, or "proxied" to the primary hub. 
See: Enable Login with LDAP (

 Also, the ACL Assigned to the group the user belongs to in the Active Director/LDAP must have the "distribution" ACL as per:
ACL permission needed for user to deploy robots with nimldr (