How are the System Health report Polled Item Count values determined
Article ID: 369126
Updated On: 06-04-2024
DX NetOps
CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration
The DX NetOps Portal System Health self monitoring reports show Views with Polled Item Count metrics.
How are the Data Aggregator Polling System Health self monitoring report Polled Item Count metric values determined?
How are the Data Collector Polling System Health self monitoring report Polled Item Count metric values determined?
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases
The answer can vary depending on the report under review.
- How it determines the numbers shown is data from the Data Repository DB from various tables that tie together to give us the end count.
- All System Health self monitoring report metrics are gathered using code in the software.
- They are not 'polled' values in the way device metric data is collected.
- Both DA and DC Polling based System Health reports use 5 minute polling.
- Every 5 minutes it calculates a new value to insert into the DB for reports.
- There is no ability to manage that time frame. The ability to do so would be an ER for Product Management to consider.
- Data Aggregator Polling report
- Polled Item Count metric on this report represents SNMP and ICMP items from the various DCs.
- Data Collector Polling report
- Poll Item count represents all polled items managed by the given DC.
- Could include VNA or CAMM related items along with the SNMP and ICMP items.
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