The Spectrum script is prompting for the password when run as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
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The Spectrum script is prompting for the password when run as the user that owns the Spectrum installation


Article ID: 369109


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Spectrum


When running the script on Linux as the user that owns the Spectrum installation as discussed in knowledge article "How to prepare for a DX NetOps Spectrum Upgrade by running the preUpgradeBackup Script", the script is prompting for the password for the user that owns the Spectrum installation.

Unfortunately, the password for this user is unknown.

In this environment, users log into the system as their user and then su to the user that owns the Spectrum installation.

No password is required to su to the user that owns the Spectrum installation. Therefore, we are unable to run the script.


Version: Any
Component: Spectrum General


The is using the following to run the MapUpdate command:

"su $INSTOWNER -c ./SS-Tools/MapUpdate -view".

Because of this the script is prompting for the $INSTOWNER ( install owner ) password.


This issue is scheduled to be resolved in DX NetOps Spectrum version 23.3.11.

Additional Information

As a work around, you can do the following:

  • Edit the script
  • Comment out the following lines:

if [[ ${ISCACDF} = "" || ${ISCACDF} != "TRUE" ]]; then
    echo "Running MapUpdate... may ask for Install owner [$INSTOWNER] password..."
    sh -c "$MAPUPDATE" > "${TEMPDIR}/mapupdate.out"

  • Add the following line after the commenting out the above lines:

./SS-Tools/MapUpdate -view > "${TEMPDIR}/mapupdate.out" 2>&1

  • Run the modified script as the user that owns the Spectrum installation