VMware NSX-T Data Center
There is a typo in the error message received, the partition name should be '/root/.gnupg/', not '/root/grupa'.
The /root/.gnupg directory is missing for that manager, this may occur due to underlying storage issue which impacts the NSX manager.
1. login to the failed manager as root
2. Create the '/root/.gnupg/' directory, if not present:
mkdir -p /root/.gnupg/
chmod 700 /root/.gnupg/
3. Import public keys again:
gpg --homedir /root/.gnupg --import /opt/vmware/nsx-node-api/etc/publickey_530C79E6.asc
gpg --homedir /root/.gnupg --import /opt/vmware/nsx-node-api/etc/publickey_FDF4DC95.asc
4. Confirm the following now exist on the failed manager:
Directory: '/root/.gnupg/'
File: '/root/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg'
File: '/root/.gnupg/pubring.kbx'
File: '/root/.gnupg/pubring.kbx~'
5. run 'gpg --list-keys --homedir /root/.gnupg/' - it will show 2 keys.