Does DX NetOps Spectrum support SNMPv3 traps?
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Does DX NetOps Spectrum support SNMPv3 traps?


Article ID: 36907


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


 Does DX NetOps Spectrum support receipt of SNMPv3 traps?


DX NetOps Spectrum 


DX Netops Spectrum does support SNMPv3 traps. The requirement is the SpectroSERVER system receiving the SNMPv3 trap must have a an SNMPv3 profile configured that contains the SNMPv3 credentials in order to decrypt the trap for processing by the SpectroSERVER.

NOTE: Keep in mind, the SpectroSERVER receiving the trap may not be the SpectroSERVER where the device is modeled. If Trap Director is being used, traps will be sent to the SpectroSERVER where Trap Director is enabled. Therefore, the SNMPv3 profile must be configure on the SpectroSERVER where the Trap Director is enabled even though the device may not be modeled on that SpectroSERVER.

Additional Information

For more information on managing SNMPv3 devices in Spectrum, please reference the "SNMPv3 Support" section in the documentation.