Archive Manager does not start after migrating/upgrading Spectrum from 22.2.3 to 23.3.8
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Archive Manager does not start after migrating/upgrading Spectrum from 22.2.3 to 23.3.8


Article ID: 369028


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Spectrum


Spectrum was migrated as per the following Spectrum guide section: Migrate and Upgrade on Linux

To save the DDM database the customer ran this syntax on Spectrum 22.2.3:

./ -f dbsavefile

Copied the dbsavefile.mbi file to the new host, in $SPECROOT/SS/DDM/ directory.

The Spectrum 23.3.8 installation was successful.

In the postinst.log file:

********** Started: Wed May 29 09:57:54 2024 **********
running Custom Script Install-Tools/CUS/ddm.cus
Creating .configrc
loading migration dbsavefile.mbi... 

Warning: will re-initialize the database with
the landscape handle found in the save file.

Script Install-Tools/CUS/ddm.cus was SUCCESSFUL
********** Completed: Wed May 29 09:57:54 2024 **********

When tried to start the Archive Manager, the following error was displayed:

SPC-OCP-10067: The Archive Manager has been shut down because there was an error opening its database. The most likely causes:

  • The SQL database server is not running.
  • The username, password, hostname, or database name is not correct.
  • The database is invalid or corrupt.


May 29 10:09:07 : ArchMgr started as user 'spectrum'
May 29 10:09:07 : ArchMgr validating database.
May 29 10:09:07 : ArchMgr invalid database error.


Spectrum migration from 22.2.2-22.2.9 to 22.2.10 and higher


The MySQL Enterprise Backup 8.0.33 is not backwards compatible.

  • Spectrum 22.2.1 and below - MySQL 5.x
  • Spectrum 22.2.2 to 22.2.9 - MySQL 8.0.30
  • Spectrum 22.2.10 and higher - MySQL 8.0.33


Ensure the Archive Manager is stopped prior running the below comand lines:

Initialize the DDM database:


./ -i -l <landscape_handle>


To generate the dump (backup) on the previous Spectrum release:

mysqldump --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<password> --databases ddmdb > backup_ddmdb.sql

To restore the dump on the new Spectrum release:

mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<password> ddmdb < backup_ddmdb.sql

Additional Information

Engineering will update the techdocs and see the feasibility of enhancing the ddm.cus script to print the failure.