How can I create a report that shows all of the licensed interfaces in NFA and the last time netflow was received for each interface?
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How can I create a report that shows all of the licensed interfaces in NFA and the last time netflow was received for each interface?


Article ID: 36900


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CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


How can I create a report that shows all of the licensed interfaces in NFA and the last time a flow was received for each interface?




Any version of RA/NFA


There's no way to create a report like this from within NFA, but you can query the database directly to get a list of interfaces and the last time they received data.

You can run the command below from a command prompt on your NFA Console server and it will generate a file with a list of all licensed interfaces in NFA and the last time data was seen on that interface.

mysql -P3308 -D reporter -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "select ID, RouterAddress, ifIndex, Name, Description, from_unixtime(lastData)  from agents_all_view order by routeraddress;" > C:\interface_last_data.txt

If you only wanted to get a list of licensed interfaces which have not seen data in greater then 24 hours you could use a query like below:

mysql -D reporter -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "select ID, RouterAddress, ifindex, RouterID, RouterName, Name, Description, from_unixtime(LastData), HarvesterAddress from agents_all_view where lastdata < (unix_timestamp() -86400) order by RouterAddress;" > C:\interface_last_data_over24hours.txt

Additional Information

An interface becomes "Licensed" in NFA once we have collected at least one 15-minute data point under it.