After Converting OVA to AMI in AWS, Gateway not allowing tcp connections
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After Converting OVA to AMI in AWS, Gateway not allowing tcp connections


Article ID: 368973


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


In middle of migration was in the process of moving everything from GW10.3 to GW11.

We have setup Layer7 and it shows to be on "Running" Status, however when I try to connect 9443 or any tcp related port the connection is refused.

We opened a ticket with AWS, they are not seeing the AWS on AWS side but believe the issue is with the OVA by Broadcom



CA API Gateway 11.0 , Appliance (OVA ) - AMI , AWS


Customer is using the OVA file and converting to AMI m5d.large image type to use it from AWS. 


The conversion from Gateway OVA file to AMI is not supported by Broadcom currently.

Suggestion is to use software gateway form factor instead of AWS with AMI.

Notes :
- You'll run into network issues, and probably with iptables specifically, when trying to convert our virtual gateway OVA to an AMI.
- You'll have the same considerations for the software gateway.
- You'll want to first verify that Rocky Linux and the firewall mechanism you choose are properly configured before installing the software gateway.
- The software gateway can only handle requests that make it through the firewall.


Additional Information


Software Gateway Info:
Software Gateway Specifications

Containers Form Factor 
Configure Kubernetes Gateway

Requirements and Compatibility
Gateway Requirements and Compatibility