z/OS APM Bridge: JVMJZBL1050E Error reading jarfile "zOS-APM-Bridge.jar" for -jar option
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z/OS APM Bridge: JVMJZBL1050E Error reading jarfile "zOS-APM-Bridge.jar" for -jar option


Article ID: 368944


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management


The following error occurs when ZABPROC starts

JVMJZBL1050E Error reading jarfile "zOS-APM-Bridge.jar" for -jar option                 
JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.writeStackTrace()                                               
JVMJZBL2007E Stack trace follows:                                                       
java.io.FileNotFoundException: zOS-APM-Bridge.jar (EDC5134I Function not implemented.)  


z/OS APM Bridge



The job log shows that the user ZABUSER running ZABPROC doesn't have permission to access to /products/ca/zabapm/SY25.


Run "chmod -R 777 /products/ca/zabapm" to allow all users to get to all files/directories under /products/ca/zabapm, then run ZABPROC again.   

You can also follow up the following suggestion at Set Up Runtime and Security Privileges for User IDs for ZAB.

However, the CHOWN command may require the admin permission and may not work for a general user .

If the runtime directories and their contents are not owned by the group that is shared between the ZABPROC and ZDMVPROC STCs after setting up security, manually change ownership using the recursive mode of the chown command:
chown -R : zab_group <runtimeUSSDir>
The OMVS group name that is assigned to the ZABPROC and ZDMVPROC STCs
The directory specified in the configuration step.

Additional Information

If the above does not help, it is recommended to follow steps below and provide Support with the results from the ls commands in order to verify that every directory level has proper permission so that ZABUSER can access /products/ca/zabapm/ and /products/ca/zabapm/SY25.

  • issue "cd /products", then "ls -ld"
  • issue "cd /products/ca", then "ls -ld"
  • issue "cd /products/zabapm", then "ls -ld"
  • issue "ls -EF"