A batch job that uses Log Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PLA) to extract data fails with these messages:
LAE0008E SORT terminating. Return/Abend Code: 16
LAE0282I SORT package detected: DFSORT
LAE0425I Old log read path taken.
LAE0297I Beginning Log Extract processing.
User reports that a batch job that uses Log Analyzer to extract some data is recently failing with the following message:
LAE0008E SORT terminating. Return/Abend Code: 16
LAE0032E LAL@BLDX terminated with return/abend code: 16
This is a sort problem. There seems to be too much data to handle. The following are options to correct the sort problem:
1. Extend the amount and volume of sort work datasets on DYNSORT statement.
2. If option 1 does not help, run few shorter ranges separately.
3. If the first 2 options are unsuccessful, try to find another way to limit the data like using additional filter say for a particular user.