Users show Unable to Authenticate when trying to log in after updating the LDAP connection user password
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Users show Unable to Authenticate when trying to log in after updating the LDAP connection user password


Article ID: 368873


Updated On: 05-30-2024


DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


We used SsoConfig to update the connection user's password but our users still cannot log in


All supported releases of DX NetOps Performance Management


The updates were made in Remote Value, but old settings also existed in Local Override


Remove the offending Local Override Connection Password by:

  1. cd /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter
  2. ./SsoConfig
  3. 1. DX NetOps
  4. 1. LDAP Authentication
  5. 2. Local Override
  6. 2. Connection Password
  7. Enter "r" for reset and then hit enter
  8. Enter "q" to quit out of SsoConfig and then hit enter