Napp UI plugin removal from NSX UI
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Napp UI plugin removal from NSX UI


Article ID: 368795


Updated On: 10-04-2024


VMware vDefend Firewall with Advanced Threat Prevention


Napp UI plugin removal from NSX UI


Below are the scenarios :


(1) If NAPP automation appliance VM is present


(a) For the plugin un-registration , login to the console of the VM and run the following command:

/opt/napp/napp-automation unregister --napp_appliance_ip=$ipaddress


(b) You can also remove it from the UI by going to NAPP Deployment --> Plugin unregistration --> Unregister Plugin




(1) If NAPP automation appliance VM is not present

And if the plugin unregistration fails from UI also. Please execute the below API call to remove the Plugin :

DELETE https://{nsx-mgr}/policy/api/v1/ui-controller/remote-ui-plugins/napp-automation