Azure VM Underutilized RI Report Negative Hours Unused and Negative Unrealized Savings
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Azure VM Underutilized RI Report Negative Hours Unused and Negative Unrealized Savings


Article ID: 368792


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Occasionally the Azure VM Underutilized RI Report will return negative figures under Hours Unused and Unrealized Savings. 


This report is based off of data received in billing files from Microsoft regarding reservations. Microsoft will on occasion write more hours than  are possible for the count of reservation * 24 within a single day. 

For example a reservation order has 5 reservations, and Microsoft writes out 132 hours when the maximum possible would be 5*24 = 120. These extra hours if the Reservations have been completely utilized will appear as a negative value under Hours Unused and cause negative Unrealized Savings to appear within the VM Underutilized RI report. 

This can be verified via FlexReporting using the following stub - 

  "sqlStatement": "SELECT timeInterval_Day AS Day, ReservationId AS ReservationId, ReservationName AS ReservationName, SUM(Quantity) AS SUM_Quantity, UnitOfMeasure AS UnitOfMeasure, MetricType AS MetricType FROM AZURE_COST_USAGE WHERE (MetricType LIKE '%Actual%') GROUP BY timeInterval_Day, ReservationId, ReservationName, UnitOfMeasure, MetricType ORDER BY Day ASC",
  "needBackLinkingForTags": true,
  "dataGranularity": "DAILY",
  "timeRange": {
    "from": "2024-05-01",
    "to": "2024-05-11"
  "limit": -1

You will then need to filter to the Reservation ID displaying negative hours unused / negative unrealized savings and validate if the amount found under Quantity for a single day is > the count of Reservations for the reservation order * 24. 

If you find this is occurring please reach out to Microsoft to clarify why the Billing data includes a Quantity value for the Reservation > than the possible amount of hours for the Reservation Order based on Count of Reservations * 24.