TMOOPTxx option YSVC for CA/1
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TMOOPTxx option YSVC for CA/1


Article ID: 36879


Updated On: 09-07-2022


CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


What does the option YSVC do? Can you explain this option?





Release:  CA/1 R14.0
All releases. 


YSVC is a security option that is used by the ISPF, TIQ and batch jobs that update the TMC. It is not a realtime tape security option.

We do recommend that you set it to YES and set up security for the resources of YSVCCOND and YSVCUNCD.
TMSINIT, OAM, and the userid that runs the daily jobs for CA 1 should have YSVCUNCD UPDATE access.

You can read more about the option in the Programming Guide. 
You can use the CTAPJCL member CTSJSAFC to test out the security rules before you actually set YSVC to YES. 

If you choose to not set YSVC to YES, then you might want to consider a policy rule for health checks to disable this one health check.