Max queue slots not respected when jobs execute in parallel
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Max queue slots not respected when jobs execute in parallel


Article ID: 368776


Updated On: 08-28-2024


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation Automic SaaS


Maximum queue slots parameter is not being respected when multiple jobs execute in parallel so that the number of jobs executing exceeds the value defined in the QUEUE object.

Example scenario:

1. Queue has limited capacity 5 slots.

2. A lot of jobs are started in parallel at the same time via a workflow.

3. Every job has also Max Parallel check set to 1. 

4. Upon workflow start all jobs are activated. Even though queue is limited to 5, a lot more jobs start to execute exceeding 5 slots allocated.



Found in release: 

Automation Engine 21.0.8




This has been fixed/released with the Automation Engine component in the releases below.  Please see the release note here.

Automation.Engine 21.0.11 - released

Automation.Engine 24.1.0 - released

Please note that an an update to the Automation Engine component also requires that the Utilities, initialdata, and AWI be on at least the same service pack.