Aria Automation Config failed to upgrade from 8.16.2 to 8.17
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Aria Automation Config failed to upgrade from 8.16.2 to 8.17


Article ID: 368708


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Aria Automation Config failed to upgrade from 8.16.2 to 8.17
  • In /var/log/lcm-raas-upgrade.log : 
    + '[' -f /var/lib/vssc/SSEAPE- ']'
    + echo 'installing SSEAPE rpm'
    installing SSEAPE rpm
    + tdnf install -y /var/lib/vssc/SSEAPE-
    Error(1207) : Couldn't resolve host name
    Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'VMware Photon Linux 3.0 (x86_64) Updates' from 'https://<VMware-PhotonOS-repository>/photon/3.0/photon_updates_3.0_x86_64'
    Error(1207) : Couldn't resolve host name
    Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'VMware Photon Extras 3.0 (x86_64)' from 'https://<VMware-PhotonOS-repository>/photon/3.0/photon_extras_3.0_x86_64'
    Error(1207) : Couldn't resolve host name
    Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'VMware Photon Linux 3.0 (x86_64)' from 'https://<VMware-PhotonOS-repository>/photon/3.0/photon_release_3.0_x86_64'


This issue happens during upgrading Aria Automation Config 8.16.2 to Aria Automation Config 8.17


If Aria Automation Config cannot access external network, upgrade will return failed because it fails to connect to Photon OS repository.


Upgrade manually on Aria Automation Config command line.


  • Download "VMware-vRealize-Automation-SaltStack-Config-" from Broadcom Support Portal in "My Downloads --> VMware Aria Automation --> VMware Aria Automation --> VMware Aria Automation Config"

    Reference: Download Broadcom products and software
  • Upload the file to Aria Automation Config VM and run "tar -xvf VMware-vRealize-Automation-SaltStack-Config-" to extract the file. One ISO file and several rpm files will be extracted
  • Download the ISO file then upload to some datastore to make Aria Automation Config VM can mount the ISO file
  • Backup all related components, including Aria Automation Config VM, postgres database. etc.

Commands for upgrade raas and SSEAPE:

1. Backup raas configuration:

mkdir -p /tmp/raasupgrade/backup/

cp -r /etc/raas/raas /tmp/raasupgrade/backup/
cp -r /etc/raas/raas.secconf /tmp/raasupgrade/backup/
cp -r /etc/raas/pki/ /tmp/raasupgrade/backup/

2. Uninstall raas:

systemctl stop raas
rpm -evv raas

/usr/bin/getent passwd raas
/usr/sbin/userdel -f raas
/usr/bin/getent group raas
/usr/sbin/groupdel raas

3. Install raas:

rpm -ivh <pak file extracted folder>/*raas*.rpm

4. Uninstall/Install SSEAPE:

rpm -evv SSEAPE

rpm -ivh <pak file extracted folder>/*SSEAPE*.rpm

5. Uninstall/Install other components:


rpm -ql singleton-manager-i18n
rpm -evv singleton-manager-i18n
rpm -ivh <pak file extracted folder>/*singleton-manager-i18n*.rpm


rpm -ql ssc-translation-bundle
rpm -evv ssc-translation-bundle
rpm -ivh <pak file extracted folder>/*ssc-translation-bundle*.rpm


rpm -qa|grep vssc-files
rpm -evv vssc-files
rpm -ivh <iso mount dir>/update/package-pool/vssc-files*.rpm


rpm -qa|grep photon_vasecurity
rpm -evv photon_vasecurity
rpm -ivh <iso mount dir>/update/package-pool/photon_vasecurity*.rpm


rpm -qa|grep vmware-bootstrap
rpm -evv vmware-bootstrap
rpm -ivh <iso mount dir>/update/package-pool/vmware-bootstrap*.rpm

6. Restore raas configuration

cp -r /tmp/raasupgrade/backup/raas /etc/raas/
cp -r /tmp/raasupgrade/backup/raas.secconf /etc/raas/
cp -r /tmp/raasupgrade/backup/pki /etc/raas/

chown -R raas:raas /etc/pki/raas/certs

sudo su raas

raas upgrade


systemctl enable raas

7. Modify SSH MAC

sed -i 's/Ciphers.*$/Ciphers [email protected],[email protected]/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed -i 's/MACs.*$/MACs [email protected],[email protected],hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed -i '/^MACs.*$/a KexAlgorithms ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256' /etc/ssh/sshd_config

8. Restart Services

systemctl restart salt-master
systemctl restart raas
systemctl restart sshd

9. vami-upgrade:

set -x
sed -i 's/env python$/env python2/g' "$(command -v vamicli)" || exit 1
/opt/vmware/bin/vamicli update --install latest --accepteula >> /dev/null

After procedures above, login Salt web UI, all related versions should be updated.