Unable to access MUX Projects with Project Management - Navigate right
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Unable to access MUX Projects with Project Management - Navigate right


Article ID: 368707


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


A user with just "Project Management - Navigate" Global Access right and individual instance rights on Projects is unable to access them on the Modern UX.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new user in Clarity PPM.
  2. Add the following Global Rights to the user
    Resource's Access Rights -->  Project Management - Navigate (Allows user access to the project management pages in the new user experience. The user will only be able to view information for projects to which the user has access)
  3. Ensure that newly created user is a Project Manager for one of the project, now the user will get Project- Manager (Auto) instance access right (The user who enables a project for management is automatically granted this right. In other words, the user becomes the Project Manager for the project. It allows user to view and edit the general and management properties of the project.) It can be checked by going to Resource: <New User> - Instance Access Rights 
    Project - Manager (Auto)
  4. Log in to Clarity PPM (Modern UX) with the new User 
  5. The new user is able to see the Project Workspace 

Expected Results: The new user is able to see the project workspace but not able to see any projects even though the user is PM of few projects.  

Actual Results: The user does see the project workspace in MUX but not able to see any project instance until the global Projects - Navigate rights is given. 


Clarity PPM 15.x, 16.x




Workaround: Add Global Access Right 'Project - Navigate' for accessing the Projects Workspace in the new user experience.  


Targeted for Release 16.2.3 and backported to 16.2.2 patch 1 

  • The right, 'Project - Navigate' is meant solely for Classic Projects List page.
  • For this fix, we decoupled 'Projects - Navigate' requirement in MUX to access the Projects Workspace.
  • The 'Project Management - Navigate' is sufficient for MUX.  
  • The Clarity Administrator can now remove the assignment of the Classic 'Project - Navigate' right if the user should only access the Projects Workspace in the new user experience.