Monthly Azure Savings Plan Amortization support
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Monthly Azure Savings Plan Amortization support


Article ID: 368704


Updated On: 06-19-2024




Support for amortization of Monthly Azure Savings Plans differs between the Amortized Cost Report and Amortization Report available for the Azure Cloud

Currently Monthly Azure Savings Plans are only amortized under the Amortized Cost Report available under Reports -> Cost -> Amortized Cost.

Amortization for Monthly Azure Savings Plans won't be reflected in the Amortization Report however available under Reports -> Cost -> Amortization.


The Amortized Cost report supports Amortization of Monthly Azure Savings Plans whereas the Amortization Report does not currently. 

You can confirm the Amortization of Savings Plans through use of the FlexReporting using specifically the "Amortized Cost in Reporting Currency", "Benefit Name" and "Pricing Model" fields.

Pricing Model will list what has covered the usage e.g. "Savings Plan" "Reservation" or "On Demand".

Benefit Name will list the name of the RI / Savings Plan that has covered the usage.

Amortized Cost in Reporting Currency is the source of the values returned in the Amortized Cost Report.