Install and execute a new custom banner page exit
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Install and execute a new custom banner page exit


Article ID: 36867


Updated On: 10-30-2024




This article describes how to make the banner pages for some of the reports processed through Bundl unique.

What is the process to install and execute a user created custom banner page exit?


Use the Bundl supplied CC5095X job located in the installed "Bundl...SAMPJCL" library to install a USERMOD that links the new user modified exit program into the Bundl load library.

For each exit installed, there must me a separate USERMOD and a separate load module. Every time a new banner page exit is coded, the modified exit source should be copied into a new USERMOD and installed with a unique USERMOD and exit name.

After successfully installing the USERMOD to link the new exit into the load library, execute the new banner page exit by specifying the unique program name in the "OUTPUT EXIT Banner => ??????" field in the DTF record that is assigned for distribution of the report.

Additional Information

The exit name specified in the DTF record overrides the value specified in the "EXIT Default Banner => DPMS951" field on the 4.4 screen as the default banner page exit. Additionally, the name specified at the DTF level does NOT have to be "DPMS951" in order for the banner page exit to be executed. The value specified in the DTF record should match the unique exit name that was linked into the Bundl load library.