SpectrumDataPublisher not starting - "error code: 401 , message: Unauthorized"
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SpectrumDataPublisher not starting - "error code: 401 , message: Unauthorized"


Article ID: 368621


Updated On: 05-28-2024


DX Operational Intelligence CA Spectrum


Installed the Spectrum Data Publisher and are having an issue starting it. It is configured correctly but getting the following failed messages when trying to start. 

SpectrumDataPublisher]# ./run.sh start
Validating connections...
Spectrum   : SUCCESS
TAS        : FAILED
Jarvis     : FAILED
OIUrl      : FAILED
Validation failed, please check logs for errors.
service is not started, check logs for more details.


SpectrumDataPublisher.log - this contains multiple "error code: 401 , message: Unauthorized" error messages at the attempted start time


After adding the tokens and  running 'run.sh reset',  was able to enter all the new details and the integration is now working.

1)  401 error

A 401 error almost surely means that the token used to try to connect to OI is invalid. Check this setting in config.xml and/or generate a new token to be sure.
- With HTTPS, Check the the certificate and root CA certificate is exported to the keystore and also as alarm reconciliation is enabled, check that the tenant token is used.

 Please refer the following documentation to upload the certificates
SSL/TLS Communication issues


2) TLS 

1) This looks like it is related to something related to SSL/TLS since it mentions handshake error in the logs

2) TLS cipher suites are determined by Java versions installed.

Spectrum Data Publisher requires Java. Therefore, ensure that you have already deployed the appropriate version of Java before proceeding with the Spectrum Data Publisher installation.
  • JRE 17 for 23.3.8 and higher.
  • JRE 11 for 23.3.7 and lower.

Additional Information

Set log level to debug:

To set the SpectrumDataPublisher log level, change the value of logger.app.level to info, debug, error, or fatal in the log4j2.properties file.