Uploading the PAK file in Aria Operations failed with an error "Upload Failed."
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Uploading the PAK file in Aria Operations failed with an error "Upload Failed."


Article ID: 368613


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Uploading a PAK file to VMware Aria Operations 8.10.x and above fails 
  • When Attempting to install .pak file (upgrade or MP) from admin UI, you receive an error that prevents the installer to start with error 'Upload Failed '


  • Aria Operations  8.10.x
  • Aria Operations  8.12.x
  • Aria Operations  8.14.x
  • Aria Operations  8.16.x
  • Aria Operations  8.17.x


This can occur due to misconfiguration found in the file "/usr/lib/vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/conf/vcops-photon-apache.conf"


    • Connect to the primary node via SSH.
    • On the primary node, verify if the line "LimitRequestBody 0" exists in the file "/usr/lib/vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/conf/vcops-photon-apache.conf"
    • Repeat the verification on all nodes in the cluster including Cloud Proxies.
    • Ensure the file has "LimitRequestBody 0"  present in the conf file on all nodes.
    • If the line  "LimitRequestBody 0"  is missing on any node:
      1. Create a backup of the "vcops-photon-apache.conf" file
      2. Add the line "LimitRequestBody 0" to the configuration file "vcops-photon-apache.conf"
      3. Save the changes made to the file
      4. Ensure the permission of this file is retained
    • If the configuration changes were made on any node, restart the httpd service on that specific node using the command:  service httpd restart
    • Upload the PAK file again and verify if the upload is successful

Note: Below is the comparison of the conf file between the working and non-working node: