Executing command YCVTCNDVAL GENLIB(CASGENCPY) to copy generated library again and again after running clear library command > CLRLIB LIB(CASGENCPY), continue to result in duplicate record key issue
Release: 8.7+
Components: CA 2E
Corrupted records in the customer model
To remove corrupted records, please perform the following steps:
a) Please take a backup of the libraries CASMDL, CASGEN and CASGENCPY
b) Set the library list of your model (using the guide in the Techdocs linked below)
c) Run the following SQL queries from the STRSQL tool
Delete from YCNDDRVRFP where @@CND = 0
The output should be "2 rows deleted from YCNDDRVRFP in CASMDL."
Delete From YCNDDRVRFP where @@CND = 1180056
The output should be "1 rows deleted from YCNDDRVRFP in CASMDL."
After these 3 records were deleted, the YCVTCNDVAL command should run without any errors, irrespective of the number of times it is executed.