AHD11013:Failed to create upload session for UNC repository when trying to perform attachment
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AHD11013:Failed to create upload session for UNC repository when trying to perform attachment


Article ID: 36852


Updated On:


CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


ServiceDesk UNC (Universal Naming Convention) Attachments fail to upload with an error - Failed to upload the file 'xxx.jpg': AHD11013: Failed to create upload session for UNC repository.

The stdlog may also report on the server that is hosting the attachment servlet (usually the BG Server) for the rep_daemon process

Failed to log on with UNC credentials to repository doc_rep:XXXX. UNC library returned code: -1
Failed to obtain a UNC logon handle for repository doc_rep:XXXX


Release: 14.1 or higher
Component:  CA Service Desk Manager


The UNC Credentials are validated using the local Operating System (Server) userid and password. 


Add the Domain user account that is used to setup UNC Repository to the Application Servers local group administrator.

Also check if the credentials themselves are valid, such as expired password

Additional Information

If the UNC credentials had been changed and are also attached to the Privileged user associated to the SDM install, one will also need to run pdm_configure to register the change