Rally: Some Teams Are Missing From My Iteration Reports
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Rally: Some Teams Are Missing From My Iteration Reports


Article ID: 368508


Updated On: 05-24-2024


Rally SaaS Rally On-Premise


When viewing an iteration status page or report from a parent project some of my teams aren't visible despite all of them working on that iteration. For example, when I review the Iteration Status page I can see work from three of my teams, but the other two teams are missing. They all have that iteration scheduled and work assigned, why are some missing?


Iterations in Rally must have matching Names and Dates in order for data to roll up to the parent project correct. If a date is different in one of the iterations it won't roll up and will essentially be its own iteration even if the name still matches.


Go to the Plan > Time Boxes page and search for the impacted iteration. Compare the name and dates for that iterations with the rest of the projects and the parent to make sure all the names and dates match. If you find any that are incorrect update them with the correct information.