Documentation to troubleshoot problems with OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Documentation to troubleshoot problems with OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 36850


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


Not all documentation is required for every case. Not every situation will require every log file - Broadcom Support will let you know which ones are relevant.  Please adjust examples for your platform and  install path and version of Tomcat. 


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Apache Tomcat®
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server


What are the environment details?

  1. Web server and version
  2.  Web browser and version
  3.  Database and version
  4.  DRAS Release
  5. Repository Type(s) and version 

What build of Web Viewer are you running?

  1. Login to Web Viewer
  2.  At the bottom of any page except the logon page, click the ‘About’ link
  3. The build number will be shown in the dialog window.

Gather the log files needed- not all logs will be needed in most cases

  The Tomcat log files  

  1.  In C:\Program Files\CA\CA_OM_Web_Viewer\apache-tomcat-9.0.87\logs   or /opt/CA_OM_Web_Viewer/apache-tomcat-0.0.87/logs
    Send all non zero byte files from the date/time this happened.  Indicate the date time it happened if applicable. Modify the path to fit your environment.

Websphere Documentation

  1. The Servant logs: ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/native_stdout.log and /native_stderr.log. Please also look for Servant.Log, SystemOut.Log, SystemErr.Log and Control.Log.  


  1.  Support may also request heapdump or javacore dumps. This is under TroubleShooting->Java Dumps and cores.  Get one of each if possible.

The Web Viewer log files

  1. In C:\Program Files\CA\CA_OM_Web_Viewer\logs or /opt/CA_OM_Web_Viewer/logs if you are using system external configuration. Send all non zero byte files from the date/time this happened.  Indicate the date and time it happened. If applicable, modify the path to fit your environment. 
  2. The Web Viewer install and maintenance logs  If it is a Web Viewer install related problem or it is the first time running the product or the problem is right after a new build
    In C:\Program Files\CA\CA_OM_Web_Viewer\uninstaller\Logs or /opt/CA_OM_Web_Viewer/uninstaller/Logs
    Send all files with relevant dates.  
    Note: There is a newly generated log file every time an update is run.

DRAS Problem

  1. Get the complete DRAS Task output.  Make sure you have set Message Suppression to “OFF” in DRAS  (Very Important!)
  2. Get the DRAS and repository maintenance levels.
  3. Get the repository type (View, Dispatch or Bundl), and its release
  4. Get all the PTFs that are applied to DRAS and if needed its associated repository
  5. If an abend, an SVC dump may be required along with the complete DRAS task output. 

Configuration Problem

  1. The configtool.log at <installation_location>/util/logs/ConfigTool.log