In Siteminder
PS: Any
OS: Any
SiteMinder is highly customizable and exposes a number of APIs for which a customer can create custom code to fulfill their business needs. One aspect of this is when a customer needs to return custom information in the response headers.
SmJavaAPI is a Java library included with SiteMinder that allows you to write custom classes in Java that can return values to SiteMinder.
The calls are put in Response types in the Policy Server and will typically look like this:
<@ lib="smjavaapi" func="JavaActiveExpression" param="com.netegrity.sdk.javaazapi.ActiveResponseSample Human Resources" @>
This will call the method with the name "invoke" which has a signature of:
public String invoke(ActiveExpressionContext context, String param) throws Exception
For more information you can look at the policy server API documentation as well as the sample code