Error visible when trying to generate report in IM:
Error executing SQL statement for: <report name> [TibcoSoftware][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Invalid object name <table name> net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error executing SQL statement for: <report name>.
14.4 Identity Manager
Make sure datasources in Jasperreports (View-Repositories under IAM organization -IM-datasources: IMAuditDS and IMReportDS) are set correctly including Hostname/port/database name username and password.
If any changes are needed for URL strings you can make them there also.
Addtional things to check: make sure to check permissions for user used for reports in SQL Server that they have proper DB set as default and permissions -link- are set.
Secondary if you are for any reason using older version of SQL Server check