Outdated Spring Framework libraries in Workpoint and Connector Xpress 2.0
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Outdated Spring Framework libraries in Workpoint and Connector Xpress 2.0


Article ID: 368275


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


Spring framework

We found outdated Springs framework libraries of version 4.0.7 and 5.2.5 in the following applications

  • Version 4.0.7 is included in the Workpoint designer, specifically in the wpPPCO.war, wpWebframe.war). This version is, according to Maven repository from September 2014. It is known to contain a number of security vulnerabilities
  • Version 5.2.5 of the Spring Beans is included in Connector Xpress 2.0 (connxp.war). This version was released in 2020, but it also contains several high priority vulnerabilities

Please, ensure replacement of the outdated and vulnerable versions with a newer version (>=5.2.25 or >=5.3.34, there is no acceptable candidate in in the 4.x.x version of the framework)


Identity Manager 14.4 / 14.5


Sprint framework libraries are updated in Identity Manager release v14.5.1