Different behavior between Vantage Windows Client and Vantage Storage Point Web UI Interfaces in Add Spare Volume operation, during location of Spare Volume and STG Base and Ovrd Parameters:
Windows Client:
WEBUI Interface:
In the Vantage task joblog, there are the following errors caused by the above pop-up :
while in Vantage Windows Client all works without any problem.
This error is caused by a configuration issue in the Vantage implementation on the host side.
A detailed solution of this problem can be found in the Vantage documentation at the link below:
Add Volumes to SMS Storage Groups With Initialization
In summary, for Vantage host R14.0, there was an old method to configure SMS spares via Windows Client, and for that, VPVVDSSX member was used.
In Vantage host R14.1, it is now possible to configure through the SSGACONF member. Reason for this was enhancing the possibilities of the configuration, and the VPVVDSSX could not be extended due to the member column limitations. This is why SSGACONF was introduced, which has JSON format. VVVTCONF extends the possibility of SSGACONF configuration.
Windows Client supports both ways, in fact the VPVVDSSX configuration through HCC, and the SSGACONF and VVVTCONF are available in the Vantage object tree, in 'CA Vantage Internal Management / Configuration / Configure ADD Volume to STG' folder.
In Vantage Storage Point Web UI Interface, only the SSGACONF/VVVTCONF configuration is available, while the VPVVDSSX is not supported.
The Section
'Configure Vantage using SSGACONF'
in the documentation mentioned before should be followed in order to use SSGACONF and VVVTCONF configuration members.
The conversion utility located in member VNJVTVVC of the hlq.CCTUSAMP can create SSGACONF based on old VPVVDSSX, and the VVVTCONF can be created from scratch by copying and renaming sample, or by executing action 'Replace Member -> Load Default'.
In addition, the Vantage system parameter:
Specifies the Vantage user PARMLIB configuration member that is used for "Add Volume to Storage Group" actions. These actions are executed from objects, or from GOA scripts. Values of the SMSCONFM configuration member determine how the volume is initialized, and which target parameters, such as VTOC and VVDS sizes, are applied.
For release 14.1 and higher, it is recommended to use SSGACONF instead of VPVVDSSX. The VPVVDSSX value is still supported to ease the migration to release 14.1.
Applies to: Base System
It can switch between the old and new configuration, in order to have the functionality available without any user activity after the R14.0->R14.1 release upgrade.